2020-2024: Feldenkrais Training in course Lisbon 2 (Portugal)
2005-2008: BA in Dance at ArtEZ Dansacademie in Arnhem (Netherlands)
2000-2005: Diplom in Management at University of Münster (Germany)
2021: Hæderslegat Wilhelm Hansen Fonden
2012 & 2021: Arbejdslegat Statens Kunstfond
2006: Scholarship from the Foundation Arnhems Dans Talent (ARDT)
Choreography (Selection)
On/Crying – new solo work in research phase. Premiere in fall 2025. 6 weeks of residencies at DancecooperativE, winter hibernation residency at Københavns Internationale Teater and Holstebro Teater.
Pokemon – Tårnby Park Studio premiere spring 2025. Funded by Statens Kunstfond.
The Laughing Crowd – a dance work for 8 performers bathing the audience in laughter. Site specific version co-produced by Metropolis and PASSAGE Festival in summer 2023. Premiere of black box version KSelekt in January 2024. Funded by Statens Kunstfond. Currently touring in Denmark and internationally.
The Mirror Project – a choreographic work about the relation between the physical body and body images. Premiere November 2022 and touring in 2023. Funded by Statens Kunstfond.
Landscapes of Laughter – a 12 hour walking performance relating to Roskildes landscape through laughter. September 2021 as part of Walking Landscapes by Metropolis/KIT.
Nature Force – a long durational exploration of laughter for the forest. Fall 2021 at Deep Forest Art Land/Skovsnogen as part of Krop – Lyd – Landskab curated by Tora Balslev.
The Shape of the Audience – a research project on the audiences’ movement patterns in the theatre performed by a group of 21 volunteers, in collaboration with Forsøgsstationen 2020-2021.
The Laughing Room – a video installation with 3 screens. Created in collaboration with Jan Vesala in 2020.
AFTERLAUGHTER – a dance film portraying the performers bodily experience of force and relief through laughter (Choreography + Performance). Created in collaboration with Jan Vesala in 2020.
Choreographic Mentor for Tora Balslevs Sandkind, City Matters and STOFskifte 2000-2024.
The Laughing Game – a solo work that navigates through laughters’ heterogenous physical and emotional landscapes. Created between 2018-2021 and currently touring.
Åbent Rum – participation in choreographic research program curated by Åben Dans 2019-2020.
Tre vise mænd – a performance about searching, finding and giving at Åben Dans in 2019.
Re-Dream – a dance film about re-evaluating dreams in collaboration with Jan Vesala in 2018.
BANG – a dance film exploring the ambiguity of closeness in collaboration with Jan Vesala in 2018.
I’m nothing, but I could be anything – a solo revisiting childhood dreams as an adult funded by Statens Kunstfond, Nordic culture point and Nordic Culturefund 2016-2019.
How to be/loved – Perspectives – a duet exploring the physicality of the struggle in accepting closeness in a family relationship. 2012-2019 – 30 performances in 10 countries.
Resident Choreographer at the Trilogy project in Groningen 2012-2014.
Boomerang, Auf zwei Ohren blind and Mir schwant es… – solo works created at Theatre Görlitz 2008-2010
Stage (selection)
Åben Dans Roskilde – Choreography and Dance in 17 productions (since 2011) | Livingstones Kabinet – FETCH 2020-2022 | Andreas Constantinou – The WOMANhouse 2018 |Recoil Performance Group/Tina Tarpgaard – ON/VOLT 2013-2016 | X-Act/Kitt Johnson – Forum Humanum 2013 | Company member Dance Theatre Görlitz – 2008-2010
Teaching (selection)
Professional classes at Dansehallerne Copenhagen, Den Danske Scenekunstskole, Dansk Danseteater, Skånes Dansteater Malmö, Norrdans, DC Syd, DC Stockholm and Akademiet.