6. - 11. September. On/Crying - the Gravity of Tears at BASEMENT
14. - 20. July. Workshop confessions of a body in Larret (FR)
9.-14. June. Workshop Voice Somatics at Unplugged Dance, Lefkada Greece
22. May - 1. June. Gademonstre at Sydhavn Teater
28. April - 9. May. On/Crying in residency at Akademiet
27. March. EVES at DancecooperativE.
2. March. Feldenkrais_dk Feldenkrais Marathon
22./23. February. Working within Work at Höjden Studios, Stockholm
17. - 21. February. Teaching at The Danish National School of Performing Arts
13. January - 17. January. On/Crying in Hjortshøj
16. December - 19. December. Working Within Work at DancecooperativE
9. December - 13. December. On/Crying in residency at Divadlo Studio Tanca
16. November work in progress showing On/Crying at Maison de la Danse together with Dance CooperativE
4. November - 8. November. Teaching at The Danish National School of Performing Arts
28. October - 1. November. On/Crying in residency at Divadlo Studio Tanca
30. September - 4. October. On/Crying in residency at Forsøgsstationen
20. September. The Laughing Crowd Opening performance of Horsens Festival
5. September. Sessions at DancecooperativE
2. September 2024 The Laughing Crowd at Teaterforening Stevns
4. - 10. August. Workshop Laughter Somatics at Unplugged Dance, Lefkada Greece
23.-25. April. Morning classes and workshop at Danscentrum Syd, organised by Dansalliansen, Malmö
26. February - 8. March. Winter Hibernation Residency at KIT with On/Crying
19.-23. February. Teaching laughter somatics at the Danish National School of Performing Arts (Copenhagen)
8.-14. January. The Laughing Crowd premiere of black box version with 7 performances at the studio stage of the Royal Danish Playhouse. The Laughing Crowd performs as part of KSelekt. KSelekt is a collaboration between The Royal Danish Theatre and The Danish Arts Foundation to nourish expansion across structures, genres and to enhance mutual inspiration within the Performing Arts in Denmark.
14. February. Session at DancecooperativE
4-7 Sessions at DancecooperativE
10. Sharing research On Crying at DancecooperativE
1.- 10. Morning Classes at DDT
30.-31. Morning Classes at DDT
9.-13. Teaching at the Danish National School of Performing Arts (Holstebro)
20.-29. DROJ JORD at Silkeborg Bad
11.-16. DROJ JORD at Vridsløselille Fængsel
4.-8. Teaching at the Danish National School of Performing Arts (Holstebro)
2. Teaching ATM at CPH Feldenkrais Marathon at the Danish National School of Performing Arts
22.-25. Sessions at DancecooperativE
15.-18. The Mirror Project at Teater Momentum/Dynamo Odense
3.-5. The Laughing Crowd at PASSAGE Festival in Helsingør
4. The Laughing Game at Testrup Højskole
6. The Laughing Game at Banska Bystrica festival Dni tanca/ Dance day
3. The Laughing Game at Prague/ Studio ALTA
27.-31. The Laughing Crowd at Metropolis Festival
27 The Mirror Project at Det Frie Felts Festival 2023 at Godsbanen Aarhus
19 The Mirror Project at Dansekapellet Copenhagen
12-22 Morning Classes at DDT
30 Premiere of The Mirror Project at Museet Holmegaard Værk.
31 October - 4. November Morning Classes at Dansehallerne
11-14 The Laughing Crowd in Island Connect residency in Zagreb
11 The Laughing Game performes at the Sounded Bodies Festival in Zagreb
1-10 The Laughing Crowd in Island Connect residency on the island Vis in Croatia
21 The Laughing Game performs during Bornholms Kulturuge at BIRCA Bornholm
12-23 The Laughing Crowd in Island Connect residency at Birca Bornholm
23-26 Classes at Danscentrum Syd
31 August - 3 September Tanzmesse NRW with Support by the Danish Arts Foundation
28 The Laughing Game at PASSAGE Festival
8-10 Emerging Artist Programme during The International Days at CPH Stage
15-17 morning classes at Danscentrum Syd in Malmö.
21-25 The Mirror Project in residency at Åben Dans in Roskilde. This week serves the further development of the movement material as well as the start of our collaboration with sound artist Mads Emil Nielsen.
4-8 The Mirror Project in residency at Åben Scene Godsbanen in Århus. This week is dedicated the development of the visual concept - interweaving scenography, light and movement.
14-15 The Laughing Game will perform at the DANCE ALL YEAR LONG festival in Odense
13-26 Antoinette will perform Sprækker with Aaben Dans Productions Roskilde
11-15 The Mirror Project is in residency at Folketeatret
4-5 Nature Force, a site specific development of The Laughing Game, will perform at Deep Forest Art Land/Skovsnogen
16 Landscapes of Laughter - Antoinette’s contribution to Walking Landscapes
2-4 The Laughing Game plays at CPH Stage
14-25 Residency The Mirror Project Bora Bora Residency Center
3-7 Rehearsals Skovsnogen
11-12 The Laughing Game Teater Momentum
12-14 Classes Dansehallerne
17-21 Residency The Mirror Project Godsbanen
26-30 Rehearsals Skovsnogen
2-12 Classes Corpus
15-19 Classes DDT
23-24 The Laughing Game Det Frie Felts Festival 2021
10 - 12 The Laughing Game Åben Dans Roskilde
2 - 5 company class DDT
25 - 29 Low Flow Danscentrum Syd
March - April
30/3 - 3/4 online training Dansehallerne
30/3 class 1
31/3 class 2
1/4 class 3
2/4 class 4
3/4 class 5
26 The Laughing Game Bådteatret, Copenhagen
27 The Laughing Game Bådteatret, Copenhagen
28 The Laughing Game Bådteatret, Copenhagen